You’ll be glad to hear we’re not fans of Draconian policies here at Swim and Survival Academy.
At SSA we want you to receive value for money. We have a “Make-Up Lessons for Life!” policy This means that the swimming lessons you pay for - you get, regardless of any absences you need to take. These make up lessons will then remain on your child’s record until they are used.
To qualify for Make-Up Lessons for Life please observe the following:-
- Make-up lessons accumulate and remain on record until used.
- Make-up lessons are limited by the number of paid lessons you miss during a term i.e. if your child is booked for a 10 week term and absent for 4 sessions due to illness etc. then he/she will be eligible for 4 make-up lessons
- If your child is going to be absent, you must notify SSA a minimum of 5hrs prior to the regular lesson, for the make-up lesson to be available. For any last minute absences please notify us on your Customer Portal. Clients who don’t attend their lesson without this notice will not be eligible for a makeup lesson.
- They cannot be accrued during school holidays.
- Make-up lessons can only be taken in positions vacant during normal scheduled term lessons
- Make-up lessons can only be booked a maximum of 7 days in advance.
- Swimmers must be enrolled during the term where they want to use the make-up class i.e if your child is not enrolled in T3, but they have 2 make-up lessons owed, you won’t be able to use the make-up classes until your child is enrolled for the full term of lessons.
- School lessons do not apply as enrolment
- Make-up lessons are not to be exchanged for refunds, for use during holiday programs or credits towards term fees.
- Make up lessons are not transferable.
please phone us on 5339 9911.